The Discuss and View of Javascript

31 Aug 2023

My first time getting in touch with programming was doing my high school AP course called Computer Science Principles, and Javascript was the first programming language I got introduced to and taught. It is also one of the reasons that led me to choose computer science as my major at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Different About Javascript

Through the coding experience I have from the past to the current, I think javascript is an convenient, simple, and fast programming language, there are some part in the javascript I founded that makes me feel so convenient.

For example, the variable, in C, C++, java, all those programming language need you to declare the type of the variable like int, string, char, boolean, and etc, but in javascript, you could simply using var, let or const to create a variable, and assigned any type of value to it, and javascript will take care for you.

This is also happening in array and function, in C, C++, java, each array can only contain one type of data, like you can’t put number 4 and string “Jack” in the same array, but in javascript, you can do it, by simply using let or const to create an array, you could assigned and mix any type of date in same array, and unlike other programming languages, javascript don’t have fix length, so you don’t have to declare the length of array when you create it, you can add as many data as you want.

For the function, in C, C++, java, it require you to define a type of data that your function will return, while javascript only needs you to put word function in front of function name, and then you could return whatever you want, no matter a string, a number, a variable, a boolean, anything.

Learn About Javascript

It’s been a while for me not coding using javascript since high school, through this module, the course and assignment E07: Introduction to Javascript helps me refresh and organize the knowledge about javascript I have forgotten or unfamiliar things like spread operator, arrow functions, and etc.

I think javascript is a good programming language from a software engineering perspective because it runs fast, is very easy to learn compared to other programming languages like C++, and it is famous and widely used.

Thoughts About Athletic Software Engineering

Through few times of practice WODs, I do find practice WODs was very useful, it give me the opportunity to get practice, adapt and find the question I might have when I was coding, like coding speed, the understanding of method, the ability to solve problems in short amount of time, and etc.

I do have some stressful in the beginning because I won’t see the question before coding start, so I was kinda worry about will I able to solve the practice WOD and will I finished on time, but I was very enjoyable doing the practice WOD because I can test my coding skill and get used to code in javascript, it makes me felt very happy and accomplishment after I have solved the practice WOD, prepare for the real WOD we might have, which I think it works perfect for me.

In Conclusion

Overall, start from didn’t know anything about programming in high school until today, I have challenged and completed a lot of difficulties. I believe I will continue to stick to it.